How to Propagate and Plant Lemongrass From Store-Bought Stalks

Lemongrass is a low-maintenance perennial herb that grows easily outdoors in warm climates, but it also thrives indoors as a potted plant.

Just a few dollars spent on store-bought lemongrass stalks can yield a large lemongrass plant in a container (or in the ground, if you're in the right climate zone).

Here's how you can propagate lemongrass from stalks you buy at the grocery store!

Start with fresh lemongrass with the entire stem intact.


Start with at least five or six healthy stalks. Not all of them may root, so this ensures you get enough rooted stalks to start a new plant off quickly.

Trim any brown, older leaves.


Getting rid of the dead foliage just keeps things neater, as they’ll eventually fall off and turn slimy anyway.

Place the lemongrass stalks in water.


Put the stalks in a jar or vase and fill with a few inches of water. Place the jar in a sunny location like a south-facing windowsill and then… just wait.

Continue changing the water until the roots grow nice and long.


Wait until the roots are at least 3 inches long and the stalks have begun to divide (via offshoot stalks) before you plant them.

Prepare a nutrient-rich bed of soil for planting the rooted stalks.


I recommend a high-quality potting soil (you can use store-bought or homemade potting soil) amended with compost, worm castings, and/or an all-purpose organic fertilizer.

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