How to Grow a Gorgeous Begonia Maculata

Garden Betty

If you like tropical houseplants with a fun little flair, you’ll love Begonia maculata, also known as the polka dot Begonia or spotted Begonia.

This plant is unique for its angel wing-shaped leaves with silvery dots all over them!

Learn how to keep a polka dot Begonia maculata happy in your home.

Light and temperature

Like most jungle plants, your polka dot Begonia will appreciate bright, indirect light and to be kept nice and toasty. You should put your plant on a windowsill, or at least close to one.

The areas this Begonia species can naturally be found in tend to get stable temperatures of 70°F or more year-round. This means room temperature is perfect for your plant!

Water and humidity

A houseplant that receives plenty of light will be a lot more forgiving in terms of watering. Other than that, it’s a matter of keeping the soil lightly moist; you can let the top inch or two dry out before watering again.

You may want to invest in a humidifier to keep things above 50 percent humidity if you really want to see your tropical houseplants thrive. An inexpensive digital hygrometer can also help you determine your home’s relative humidity.

Soil and planting

Although polka dot Begonias like some moisture, their soil should never be soggy. Waterlogged soil is a fast-track to root rot and a dead plant!

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Garden Betty