Most people bring home a Poinsettia before Christmas and discard it shortly after, but did you know you can keep this stunning plant going year-round, even outside in certain climates?
Euphorbia pulcherrima is naturally found in Central America, from Mexico to Guatemala. Here, wild plants are much lankier-looking than their domestic counterparts, but they can reach huge sizes and look like colorful trees.
In Mexico, before colonization, the species was used by the Aztec peoples for various purposes: in traditional medicine, for decoration during the winter blooming period, to produce dye, and more.
If your Poinsettia was packaged in a plastic plant sleeve, take it off as soon as you get home so your plant is exposed to light and air. Remove the foil wrapping that may be around the pot, as it impedes drainage and can cause your new Poinsettia to drown.
The Rest of Winter After the New Year, begin letting the soil go about halfway dry before watering again. In its natural habitat, things would be heading into dry season now.