30 Heirloom Tomato Varieties With the Best Flavor

Science has proven that heirloom tomatoes are far superior in flavor over their bland (and deceptively perfect-looking) supermarket counterparts.

But are certain tomatoes tastier than others? Yes—and it all has to do with the amount of sugar and acid in the fruit, along with its color.

What is an heirloom tomato?

There’s no set definition, but at the very least, an heirloom tomato needs to be open-pollinated and non-hybrid.

My Picks For Great-Tasting Heirloom Tomatoes

Red Stupice Chadwick Cherry Amish Paste Thessaloniki Italian Heirloom


Brandywine Pink German Caspian Pink

Yellow Pear Azoychka Blondkopfchen


Green Zebra Cherokee Green Green Giant Aunt Ruby’s German Green


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