7 Tricks to Germinating Hard-to-Start Seeds

Having trouble getting your seeds to germinate? If you’ve simply been tossing a few seeds into the soil and hoping for the best, there IS a better way to improve your chances of germination.

Here’s why your seeds aren’t sprouting—and what to do to get those vegetable, herb, and flower seeds to germinate fast.

Tip #1: Start seeds in paper towels.

The paper towel method (also known as the baggie method) is also helpful for germinating seeds that require constant heat and moisture, such as hot peppers.

Tip #2: Expose seeds to light.

While our first instinct is to bury seeds in soil to get them to sprout, certain seeds actually need light to germinate.

Tip #3: Plant seeds at the proper depth.

The general rule of thumb is to plant a seed at a depth of two times the width (or diameter) of the seed.

Tip #4: Soak your seeds.

Seeds with hard, thick, or wrinkly outer seed coats take a long time to absorb the water they need to germinate.

Tip #5: Scarification.

Scarification is a simple method of manually weakening the seed coat to make it more permeable to moisture.

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