If you want adult braconids to come lay eggs in your garden, you have to feed them well. As a bonus, you’ll only be beautifying your garden more!
Plant small, nectar-rich flowers all over your garden and among your vegetables as a food source for wasps. Some of their favorites include sweet alyssum, yarrow, and members of the Asteraceae family, such as chamomile, fleabane, and sunflowers.
But in my experience, the best plants for attracting parasitoids are those in the Apiaceae family. Parsley, cilantro, fennel, dill, and many others draw an incredible number of braconid wasps when they’re left to bloom.
The defining characteristic of this family is the inflorescence (cluster of flowers).
Also known as umbellifers, these plants provide a buffet of nectar and pollen for not only braconids, but also lacewings, hoverflies, ladybugs, damsel bugs, soldier beetles, and many other beneficial insects.