Easy Guide to Installing Drip Irrigation in Your Garden

For most people who have never installed a drip system, choosing an all-inclusive garden bed irrigation kit is an ideal way to go.

All you need are a few raised beds and a faucet nearby, and you’ll have everything you need to equip your garden before spring arrives.

Well, not quite everything.

If you want to automate your watering, which is probably a major reason you’re installing drip in the first place, you’ll need a separate timer.

You may also realize that you still want the option of watering with a hose, and may need to comply with city regulations pertaining to backflow prevention. Backflow prevention keeps your irrigation from contaminating the water supply.

These were all of my needs, so the system that DripWorks sent me to try included: – Garden Bed Irrigation Kit – Galcon Easy Program Flip Open LCD Timer (I also have the Galcon LCD Timer for my second faucet, but prefer the first one) – Brass Vacuum Breaker – Brass Hose Y with Valve

So, what do you get in the garden bed irrigation kit? First, there’s a roll of mainline tubing. This is the backbone of your drip irrigation system, which all components attach to and run from.

The kit comes with a roll of soaker dripline which has emitters built-in to the line every 12 inches, so you don’t need to affix additional parts. At first glance, the micro tubing and soaker dripline look very similar—just remember that the dripline has holes drilled into it.

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