Fill Your Garden With These Edible Groundcovers

Planting edible ground covers in the empty rows and patches between your vegetables is a type of intercropping (also known as interplanting).

Intercropping is the practice of growing multiple crops within the same space in order to achieve a greater yield from land that otherwise would be left unused by a single crop.

Here are my six favorite ground covers for vegetable gardens that are not only ornamental, but edible as well.


Their lush green leaves are reminiscent of lily pads, and when they bloom, the flowers attract pollinators all day long, making them a good option as a ground cover for berries, cucumbers, and other crops that need more than just wind for pollination.


This type of ground cover can tolerate a little trampling and still be effective as an ornamental and edible plant. In mild climates, it can be grown as an evergreen ground cover (especially the creeping varieties) to protect the soil year-round.

True French sorrel

As a ground cover, it stays a brilliant green year-round and the clumps can be lifted, divided, and replanted elsewhere when you need to fill in some space in your garden beds.

Wood sorrel

The heart-shaped leaves, petite yellow flowers, and immature green seed pods can all be eaten fresh, used as seasonings for salads and sauces, or steeped in hot water and sweetened with honey to make wood sorrel tea.

Alpine strawberries

As an edible ground cover, alpine strawberries tick off all the boxes: tough yet non-invasive, and able to tolerate a variety of soil conditions (especially if you forget to water for a short spell).

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