Fiddle Leaf Figs Can Be Fussy, But Here's How You Can Help Yours Thrive

Looking for a lush tropical houseplant to bring some soothing nature into your home? Ficus lyrata, also known as the fiddle leaf fig, may be the perfect choice for you.

This indoor tree—with its easily recognizable, leathery lyrate leaves—can grow massive with the right care and give your home a great jungle vibe (without the mess of vines trailing everywhere).

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Ficus lyrata and how to care for this wildly popular houseplant.

Light and temperature

In their natural habitat, these guys would be blasted with sun! It’s better to place your fiddle in front of a sunny window, preferably a south-facing one (although you should acclimate it slowly if it was in a more shaded spot before).

As for temperatures, this is a tropical. In warm climates it’s commonly grown as an ornamental in parks and gardens, but unless it stays toasty year-round where you live, your fiddle leaf fig is better off as a houseplant—at least during winter. It prefers room temp or above.

Water and humidity

Stick a finger into the soil. If it feels around halfway dry, you can go ahead and water. Still moist? Give it another day or two. If the soil feels wet, you should cut back on the watering to prevent trouble.

Soil and planting

At least there’s one thing fiddle leaf figs aren’t too particular about: soil. The main thing is to use an airy soil mixture that allows excess water to drain quickly, as our houseplants, including this one, don’t like wet feet.

The type of planter doesn’t matter much either, although it should definitely always have a drainage hole in the bottom to help prevent standing water. For large fiddle leaf figs, it’s best to use a sturdy and wide pot so your plant doesn’t topple over if you accidentally bump into it.

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