How to Get Your Christmas Cactus to Bloom Again in Winter

Your Christmas cactus plant bloomed abundantly in November or December, and now you’re wondering if you have to wait a whole year before it flowers again. The surprising answer is: Nope!

Here’s how to get a repeat flowering from your holiday cactus long after the holidays have passed.

Reduce Watering

In October, start reducing the amount of water your plant normally receives. Lightly water the topmost layer of soil (just the first inch or so), and only when the soil feels completely dry to the touch.

Provide At Least 12 Hours Of Darkness

As a short-day plant, Christmas cactus needs 12 to 24 hours of darkness every day to enter a flowering period.

Keep Temperatures Cool

The ideal temperature for Christmas cactus to bloom is 50°F to 55°F, and the room has to be free of cold drafts and hot drafts.

In general, Christmas cactus should be watered every 10 days or so in winter, and every 7 days in summer (sometimes more often, if you live in a sunny, arid climate).

What To Do Once Your Christmas Cactus Blooms Again

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