How to Soak Seeds So They Germinate Faster

If you want to give your seeds the greatest chance at sprouting, try soaking seeds in water.

This is the secret to improving germination and getting more plants to grow, even if your timing is a little off in the garden or you forget to water as often as you should.

Timing and moisture: how and why seeds germinate when they do.

Let’s talk tomato seeds. These hardy specimens have germinated on their own for generations without any interference from us well-meaning gardeners, but fermenting tomato seeds before drying and storing the seeds gives them a great start come springtime.

The Benefits Of Soaking Seeds Before Planting

By soaking (presoaking) seeds in water ahead of time, you remove some of those barriers so the seeds are ready to sprout by the time you stick them in the soil.

What Types Of Seeds To Soak

Soaking is beneficial for pea seeds as well as other seeds with thick, hard coats. You can (and should) soak the seeds of fava beans (Vicia faba), beets, cucumbers, corn, and squash.

How Long To Soak Your Seeds In Water

For thick-skinned seeds like peas, aim for 8 to 10 hours (or overnight, assuming you soak them right before bed and sow them first thing in the morning).

Why do some seeds float or sink while soaking?

Seeds may float because they lack viable embryos or nutrient stores, making them less dense than “good” seeds that sink in water.

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