How to Stop Your Vegetables From Bolting in the Heat

Are you frustrated by your herbs and vegetables bolting before you’ve even had a chance to harvest them?

There are ways to extend their life cycle in summer so you can enjoy them for just a bit longer.

Find out how you can stop the process (or slow it down) and make the most of your flowering crops.

Direct-sow your seeds.

Direct sowing eliminates all possibility of transplant shock and allows root systems to develop without disturbance.

Avoid buying or transplanting stressed seedlings.

Look for seedlings that are stout and full, rather than tall and spindly.

Choose heat-tolerant or bolt-resistant plant varieties.

Many cool-weather crops (like lettuce and bok choy) have heat-tolerant cultivars with superior resistance to bolting.

Plant your crops in the right season—or switch to a fall planting.

All vegetable crops—even those that can grow year-round—prefer growing in specific seasons and will have peak flavor and production in these seasons.

Cool the soil with a layer of organic mulch.

Mulch has many benefits in the garden, and one of the most important ones is protecting the soil and buffering against heat, cold, and temperature swings.

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