How to Turn Old Newspapers Into Seed Starting Pots

Got a stack of old newspapers laying around the house? Save money and upcycle your unwanted newspapers into newspaper pots for seed starting.

They’re simple enough for kids to make, fast enough to crank out in an afternoon, and sturdy enough to last several weeks until your seedlings are ready for transplant.


– Stack of old newspapers – Scissors – Tomato paste can

Step 1: Gather your supplies.

Gather a stack of old newspapers, a pair of scissors, and a 6-ounce can of tomato paste.

Step 2: Cut the newspaper into long strips.

Grab two pages of newspaper (so you have a four-sheet stack). Cut the newspaper into thirds lengthwise, giving you three long strips.

On the end closest to you, lay the can on its side across the strip of newspaper. Leave about 1 inch hanging off the end of the can.

Step 3: Use the can as a mold for rolling the newspaper.

Roll the can along the newspaper until it’s loosely wrapped all the way around. (Loose being key for easy removal of the can later).

Step 4: Start rolling the can away from you.

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