Have You Seen This Scary-Looking Bug?

Garden Betty

When is a potato bug not a potato bug?

When it’s actually a Jerusalem cricket, an entirely different bug altogether that often gets lumped together with the Colorado potato beetle.

Despite their sinister appearance, Jerusalem crickets are harmless (and even beneficial in the garden).

Jerusalem crickets are subterranean nocturnal insects that look like a cross of a large ant and fat wasp. They have disproportionately large, humanoid heads and strong, sizable mandibles and can grow up to 3 inches in length, adding to the shock factor.

Because of their eerie appearance (and the foul odor they emit when they feel threatened), Jerusalem crickets are also known as skunk bugs, skull bugs, mother of scorpion, or “what the f@&# is that?!”

While Jerusalem crickets have occasionally damaged commercial potato fields, they are not considered serious pests like the Colorado potato beetle (you know, the other potato bug that gives this one a bad name).

In fact, Jerusalem crickets should be thought of as beneficial insects, as they feed on decaying plant matter, dead roots, and small insects (including those that you do consider garden pests).

By breaking down organic matter and burrowing underground, Jerusalem crickets actually help with plant growth and soil aeration.

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Garden Betty