11 Lazy Gardening Tips That Have Made Me a Better Gardener

What if you could have a more productive garden… simply by being lazier? It’s true! But being lazy is just another way of saying you’re becoming more efficient.

That means less time spent on back-breaking garden chores, and more time spent harvesting the fruits (and veggies!) of your labor.

Here are my favorite strategies for getting more out of your garden with minimal effort.

Lazy tip #1: Stop digging

I’m a fan of the no-dig garden bed and have used this layering method to start new beds as well as replenish existing ones. It’s extremely effective and you can plant in a no-dig garden bed right away.

Lazy tip #2: Keep your favorite plants closer

If you use herbs and salad greens in your everyday meals, it makes the most sense to grow these crops closer to your house—even your kitchen, if you have the space inside or just outside your door.

Lazy tip #3: Go higher

Having a taller raised bed means no more bending and stooping over your plants, and being able to catch weeds, pests, and diseases earlier because your plants are nearly at eye level, making it easier to spot problems.

Lazy tip #4: Plant perennial crops

Though most of the vegetables we love to eat are annuals (or treated as annuals), adding a few perennial crops to your garden means you’ll have access to more food with little to no effort, since they’ll come back every spring.

Lazy tip #5: Grow heat-tolerant vegetables

One of the best ways to ensure a consistent crop is choosing heat-tolerant or drought-tolerant vegetables that can be planted in spring and stretched a little further into summer.

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