How to Keep a String of Turtles Plant Alive and Healthy

If you adore low-maintenance succulents as houseplants, you’re going to love Peperomia prostrata, otherwise known as string of turtles!

This cute trailing vine (named for the turtle shell-like pattern on its leaves) doesn’t need much in terms of care, but it DOES have some quirks that set it apart from true succulents.

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Peperomia prostrata care and growing this semi-succulent indoors!

Light and temperature

It does need plenty of light and should be next to a window, but you can save the brightest spots in your home for sun lovers like true succulents.

It does well at room temperature and won’t have a problem with higher temps either. Just try to keep things above 50°F or your string of turtles may stop growing or even begin to suffer.

Water and humidity

These plants would naturally benefit from frequent jungle rain showers and possibly be in contact with moist moss and leaf litter, but since things are a little more enclosed in a planter, you should water with care.

String of turtles are not as finicky as some tropical houseplants, but if your home tends to be on the dry side, it may be a good idea to run a humidifier to keep things above 40 percent at least.

Soil and planting

If, like most of us, you grow your string of turtles in a normal planter, good drainage is the key to a healthy plant. This should be reflected in the soil mixture you use.

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