If you like the idea of planting something once and enjoying it year after year, then set your sights on perennial herbs, which require minimal care, are much less expensive to grow at home than buy in the store, provide food for pollinators, and fill your garden with amazing scents and attractive blooms.
This herb is highly vigorous; so much so, in fact, that it’s sometimes considered a bit of a weed. It’s generally recommended to contain mint in pots or grow it in its own bed to avoid accidentally setting it free in your garden!
A close cousin of the aforementioned rosemary, sage nonetheless has a distinct appearance and flavor. Like rosemary, it’s a shrubby plant with small purple flowers that originates from the Mediterranean region.
This herb has a long history of medicinal and traditional uses, including by the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. It’s also a popular culinary herb, used to flavor all sorts of savory dishes and even for tea.