Easy Guide to Caring for Sanseviera Cylindrica

If you want a sturdy and attractive plant that's forgiving and reliable, look no further than the cylindrical snake plant.

This indoor plant is a great choice for houseplant enthusiasts with its unique Medusa-like leaves and tolerance of less-than-ideal conditions.

To keep yours healthy and happy, here's what you need to know about Sansevieria cylindrica plant care.


Light and temperature

Consider Sansevieria cylindrica’s natural habitat: open (semi-)desert with barely any cover. This plant has evolved to be used to being blasted with sun! In your home, it will therefore actually do best directly in front of the brightest window you can offer it.


Soil and planting

Planting a Sansevieria is straightforward as long as you keep its xerophytic nature in mind. Your planter should always have a drainage hole, as these plants hate wet feet. Their roots can rot if they’re left standing in water.


Water and humidity

If you’ve got the light and soil situation under control, your snake plant will appreciate being watered whenever its soil has gone fully dry. How often that is depends on the season and conditions.



Sansevierias aren’t the quickest of growers, and they’re used to life in poor soil. Still, if yours is doing well, it might benefit from the occasional application of some succulent fertilizer.



A cylindrical snake plant is unlikely to need much in the way of pruning. Any dead leaves can be removed, but other than that, it should keep looking nice for years to come.

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