Seeds You Can Sow Directly in the Garden BEFORE the Last Frost!

Winter might feel long, but the good news is, you don’t have to wait until the last frost before you can start planting outside.

Many seeds can actually be direct sown in the garden weeks before your last frost date, and they tend to be more resilient than seeds started indoors. Here’s what you can plant when the soil is still cold.

Vegetable Seeds

Vegetable / # Weeks Before Last Frost Arugula - 4 weeks Asian greens (bok choy, tatsoi, mizuna, etc.) - 2 to 4 weeks Beets - 2 weeks Broccoli - 2 weeks Brussels sprouts - 2 weeks Bulb fennel - 3 to 4 weeks

Herb Seeds

Herb / # Weeks Before Last Frost Cilantro - 1 to 3 weeks Dill - 1 to 3 weeks Fennel - 3 to 4 weeks German Chamomile - 1 week Parsley - 1 to 2 weeks

Flower Seeds

Flower / # Weeks Before Last Frost Bachelor Buttons - 1 week Calendula - 1 week Clarkia - 1 week Forget-me-nots - 4 weeks Larkspur - 2 to 3 weeks Rudbeckia (black-eyed Susans) - 1 week

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