The Proper Way to Care for Air Plants

Wait—a plant that grows without soil?

Despite the lack of soil, taking care of Tillandsia isn’t as simple as forgoing water. (In fact, watering correctly is the trickiest part of the puzzle.)

This beginner’s guide will tell you everything you need to know about caring for air plants and mounting Tillandsias in fun and creative ways.

Light and temperature

In the home, most air plants will generally do fine in bright indirect light. This being said, depending on the species, you can opt to give them a little more or less.

In terms of temperature, the ideal range will also depend on the species of air plant you’ve got on your hands. Room temperature should be fine, though 50°F is the lowest most will be able to take: any colder and they can start suffering, or at least stop growing.

Water and humidity

Instead of keeping your plant hydrated by pouring water into the soil, you can do so by spraying, dunking, or soaking them.

As for air humidity, an overly dry environment isn’t ideal, although xeric air plants won’t suffer as much as their moisture-loving mesic cousins.

Soil and planting

One of the reasons so many houseplant enthusiasts adore air plants is because they have plenty of freedom to be creative. No pot is needed, so it’s up to you to come up with a fun air plant holder!

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