The Best Walkable Groundcovers for Your Yard and Garden Paths

Garden Betty

So long, grassy lawn!

These walkable ground covers (also known as stepable ground covers) are some of the best low-maintenance, low-growing, fast-spreading plants you can put in your garden paths and walkways.

And the compact, creeping growth habits mean you never have to mow!


It thrives in full sun and can withstand heat as well as drought, making it perfect for warmer climates and yards with direct sunlight all day.

Corsican mint

With every step you take on this deliciously fragrant ground cover, you’ll get a whiff of a lovely minty scent (which does double duty by repelling garden pests like deer, aphids, and cabbage moths).

Silver carpet lamb’s ear

This silver-leafed plant grows best in well-draining soil in a sunny garden. It needs only light watering until established and after that it’s very drought-tolerant, making it a great option for hot, dry climates.

Creeping jenny

It loves full sun and can tolerate light shade. Though this ground cover can thrive with very little maintenance, it does need to be lightly watered from time to time if there’s a drought.

Beach strawberry

This is another walkable ground cover that thrives in full sun to light shade and tolerates moderate foot traffic. It grows a little taller than some of the other plants on this list, sometimes reaching as tall as 6 inches.

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Garden Betty