Why Your Seedlings Keep Dying (and How to Fix Damping Off Disease)

Help! Did your seedlings suddenly fall over and die overnight? It’s not from pests, and it’s not because the wind knocked them over.

In fact, the problem starts below the surface… not above it.

Find out why damping off disease happens to even healthy seedlings and how to prevent this common fungal infection.

What causes damping off disease?

There’s never any warning when damping off might occur. The disease can take hold of a seed before it’s even sprouted, or a seedling before it’s formed its first true leaves.

Caused by several species of seed-borne and soil-borne fungi including Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, and Phytophthora, damping off disease can move through an entire tray of seedlings in a matter of days and once they’re infected, they’re near impossible to treat.

The plants that do survive the infection are often stunted and afflicted with “wire stem” symptoms: twisty, constricted stems that result in abnormal growth and smaller yields.

Damping off disease occurs in all types of seedlings, from tomatoes and peppers to leafy greens and root vegetables. One variety is not more susceptible than another, and disease-resistant strains will not prevent it from occurring.

While damping off can strike seeds and seedlings started outdoors, it most often affects indoor seedlings due to high humidity, poor ventilation, and overcrowded seed trays.

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