Where the Mistletoe Kissing Tradition Came From

In nature, mistletoe is a parasitic plant that can weaken and eventually kill its host trees. But at Christmas time, it’s a symbol of romance that inspires people to pucker up.

How did this strange tradition start? And why do we kiss under the mistletoe? Here’s some fascinating trivia to bring with you to Christmas dinner!

Mistletoe in Mythology

According to Norse mythology, Baldur dreamed about his own death and fell into depression, believing that every living thing was out to kill him.

Mistletoe as a Sexual Symbol

Mistletoe also carries special meaning as a symbol of fertility. Since it retains its greenery all through winter and blooms even through the darkest days of the season, it’s treasured as a token of eternal life.

Since mistletoe is seen as a symbol of fertility and life, this could be a reason why we now kiss underneath it.

Mistletoe as the Kissing Plant

As we fast-forward through history, we come upon the British in the 18th or 19th centuries, who started hanging mistletoe in their homes to celebrate Christmas. Superstitions of the day suggested that good luck came to those who kissed under the mistletoe, and bad luck to those who didn’t.

In some parts of California, mistletoe overtakes oak trees to the point where mistletoe clumps become more prominent than the oak leaves themselves.

Mistletoe in Botany

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