Your 8-Step Process to Plan, Build, Grow, and Harvest a Beautiful and Productive Vegetable Garden—With Less Work

Are you ready to have your best garden ever in 2021?
Forget all that digging, watering, and weeding. Forget spending all day on your knees or stooping over your plants.
There’s a better way to garden—a lazier way—that gives you MORE food with LESS work. And I’m going to help you get there in 8 weeks or less.
Take it from me…
I had a thriving vegetable garden on a quarter acre. I was doing everything “right”—spacing my plants appropriately, watering them every day, managing a three-bin compost pile, and controlling pests organically with homemade sprays.
I had decent harvests every season but they came at a price: my time. Time that was harder and harder to find as my family and business grew (and my energy and patience waned).
Even though I felt good about feeding my family, the traditional methods I used to get there weren’t sustainable—for myself or my garden.
I was tired of fertilizing and working the soil, turning the compost, pulling out old plants and putting in new ones… sometimes hours a day, only to end up with an aching back. (‘Cause let’s be honest, I’m not getting any younger here.) And then one day, no matter what I did, my plants just weren’t as productive as they used to be, which meant I had to spend more time troubleshooting them.
So I started over. I threw conventional wisdom out the window and embraced a style of lazy gardening that left me with more time to enjoy the fruits (and veggies!) of my labor. I’ve become stronger, healthier, and happier, and my wallet thanks me too.
When I moved to a new home with a blank backyard canvas, I built a 2,000 sqft garden from the ground up using lazy gardening techniques I’d refined over the years, all with a toddler and a baby underfoot. I wasn’t sure I could tackle such an ambitious project and there were a million reasons why I should’ve hired a professional or why it wouldn’t work. But it did!
And now I get to teach you the exact way I set up a beautiful, low-maintenance, highly productive garden without breaking my back—or breaking the bank.
I call it the Lazy Gardener way.
Introducing Lazy Gardening Academy
I’ve taken everything I’ve seen and learned from creating my own gardens in two vastly different climates (from the year-round growing season of Southern California’s zone 10b to the unpredictable microclimate of Central Oregon’s zone 4) and turned it into an 8-Step Process to Plan, Build, Grow, and Harvest a Beautiful and Productive Vegetable Garden—With Less Work.
If you’re a lazy gardener—or just want to simplify what you do without sacrificing what you get—this course will take all the guesswork (and busywork) out of growing your own food.
I’m handing over the exact step-by-step framework I used to set up a super productive garden that practically runs on autopilot… to you.
Lazy Gardening Academy opens in March 2021, but you’re the first to hear about it.
While everyone else is Googling how to get rid of pests on their plants, you’ll be drowning in delicious abundance from your own garden and enjoying more food (all without growing more plants).
Get on the interest list now for Lazy Gardening Academy. You’ll get a special free bonus (just for being on the list) and early sneak peeks when the course opens in March 2021!