A Lot Can Happen in 10 Days

Right before I took off on a 10-day road trip through the Eastern Sierra, I started a few seeds in my bay window. There were tomato seeds, eggplant seeds, pepper seeds, squash and cucumbers and beans and endless varieties of leafy greens. I scored a great deal on peat pots from the dollar store, made…

Linda Ly
New seeds started by the bay window

Right before I took off on a 10-day road trip through the Eastern Sierra, I started a few seeds in my bay window. There were tomato seeds, eggplant seeds, pepper seeds, squash and cucumbers and beans and endless varieties of leafy greens.

I scored a great deal on peat pots from the dollar store, made a big batch of seed starting mix, popped in some seeds (some saved, some from Baker Creek), and left three trays in the care of our house-sitter.

One day before I left, the first seedlings were starting to emerge from their shells.

Seedlings starting to emerge

New seeds germinating

New seedlings sprouting

And then 10 days later… I came home to this.

Seedlings after 10 days

It’s beautiful and overwhelming at the same time. The beans are ready to be moved into the garden, and the tomatoes need a few more weeks of love before they’re separated into larger pots. I just transplanted the komatsuna to a raised bed yesterday, and am mapping out the rest of my garden to figure out where to put the corn this year.

Leafy green seedlings

Tomato seedlings

I can’t wait to see how everything will look in another 10 days!


  1. You’re giving me bay window and zone 10 envy! The seedlings look beautiful and happy in the sun. I’ll keep an eye on your updates!

    Sarah Bush | Sprout it Founder

  2. What a nice surprise! We put some transplants in the ground in the beginning of March, but then March ended up being so cold, that the transplants have barely grown. Spring just showed up last week, so I’m hoping they look more like yours do after the next ten days!

  3. The plants that I have been growing from seed definitely don’t grow as fast as yours! Your seedlings are very impressive.

  4. Exciting time of year! Your seedlings are beautiful. My komatsuna seedlings may go outside today for hardening off start. Hooray!

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