Dragon’s Egg Cucumbers

How beautiful is this? Eggs from my Barred Rock, my Easter Egger, my Cochin, and my very own backyard dragons! (What, you didn’t know I had backyard dragons?) This Dragon’s Egg heirloom variety came all the way from Croatia and is one of my favorite cucumbers to grow this season. The palm-sized cukes have smooth…

Linda Ly
Dragon's Egg cucumbers with backyard eggs

How beautiful is this? Eggs from my Barred Rock, my Easter Egger, my Cochin, and my very own backyard dragons! (What, you didn’t know I had backyard dragons?)

This Dragon’s Egg heirloom variety came all the way from Croatia and is one of my favorite cucumbers to grow this season. The palm-sized cukes have smooth cream-colored skin and seedy white flesh. They’re just the right amount of sweet, crisp and juicy, and even better, they’re quite the eye-catcher in the garden. Sometimes I don’t even want to slice them up!

Dragon's Egg heirloom cucumbers from Croatia

Dragon's Egg cucumber with seedy white flesh


  1. Do you know the height of these plants? I grew them from seeds but the packet doesn’t say whether they are vining or not. I’m trying to figure out if I’m going to put them in a container or grow them in the garden on a trellis.

  2. Hi there! I know this was posted a while ago, but this is my second year growing these guys and I had a question. I noticed that the rind was quite tough and prickly– is it because I’m picking them too late or too early, or should I just peel them?

    1. Mine tend to be more prickly when they’re young, but technically they’re edible at any stage. I usually leave my cucumbers on the vine until they reach the size of a large lemon. I don’t find the skins that thick, but that could also be personal taste or just a characteristic of the seeds you have. (Every batch of heirloom seeds I grow, even for the same varieties, tends to be a little different.)

      1. Ahh, I see, thank you! I guess I’m just more used to the thinner skins of store cukes. They made awesome pickles, though.

        1. Good to know! I have 3 Plants and more fruit than I know what to do with, so I was hoping they would work for making pickles

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