Sumthin’s a-Cluckin’…

And it rhymes with Dickens! Stay tuned…

Linda Ly
Chicken coop in progress

And it rhymes with Dickens!

Stay tuned…

Chicken coop in progress

Chicken coop in progress


    1. Just three chickens. For now, anyway. But since I’ve been “browser shopping” for chickens, I’m seeing many more breeds that I want! Thank goodness the coop isn’t that big!

  1. Fantastic! I wanted to build a coop but opted instead to buy. Hopefully it will be here soon and I can get my chickens, I’m so excited!

    1. I thought about getting a ready-made coop, but didn’t find one that completely fit all my needs (and within budget!). I can tell you that you’ve definitely saved yourself a lot of work though LOL… but I am excited. I’m hoping to have chickens in there by end of this month. Which breeds are you getting?

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