The Golden Egg

I’d been waiting almost four months for my first egg. Four months! That’s four months of friends and family coming around and asking when our chickens were going to start laying. Granted, the chickens weren’t mature enough to lay yet, but believe me, I was counting down the days till spring. Our first egg came…

Linda Ly
Gold-leafed Easter egg

I’d been waiting almost four months for my first egg. Four months! That’s four months of friends and family coming around and asking when our chickens were going to start laying. Granted, the chickens weren’t mature enough to lay yet, but believe me, I was counting down the days till spring. Our first egg came last week via our Easter Egger, Gisele — just in time for Easter!

After we ooh’ed and ahh’ed over that perfectly oblong, pastel green egg, we had to decide what to do with it. Poached? Scrambled? Souffled? No. This egg was special. Special like that first dollar bill that restaurants frame for their wall, except we can’t frame an egg.

One crafty afternoon later, the insides were blown out and that first egg now sits under a beautiful glass cloche on our shelf, encased in gold leaf. (If the cloche looks familiar, that’s because it previously came with my Country Living Blue Ribbon Blogger Award.)

It’s shiny. It’s elegant. It’s immortalized. It’s our first egg!

Gold-leafed egg on display


    1. Do a search on Amazon for gold leaf kits and you’ll find plenty to choose from! I used the one from Mona Lisa with the gold leaf paper, basecoat, adhesive, and sealer. It came with simple instructions on how to do it.

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