Best Flowers to Grow for Bees: The Foolproof 5

You already know it’s necessary to keep bees around, but do you know the best way to keep them coming back, season after season? It’s all about the types of flowers you grow and how much nectar they have. These are my top picks for the best plants to grow to attract bees to your garden.

Linda Ly
Foolproof five: the best plants to grow for bees

Growing a bee garden is as easy at it gets for a home gardener. There’s no need to seek out exotic blooms or struggle with fussy flowers that need to be pampered.

Some of the best plants to grow for bees are what I consider the underdogs of a garden: those “plain Jane” flowers and hard-working herbs that normally wouldn’t get a second glance.

In fact, all my bee gardens over the years were planted primarily because of how low-maintenance they were. They’re fairly drought-tolerant, self-seeded freely as annuals, grew back every year as perennials, and did double-duty as human food and pollinator food (as was the case with my herbs).

While you’ll find many lists with dozens of plant recommendations for your bee garden, the types of flowers that attract bees are simpler than you think.

What kind of flowers attract bees?

Bee-friendly flowers include traditional favorites like bee balm and sunflowers, as well as unassuming ground covers like sweet alyssum and sedum.

I also like to let things like cilantro and parsley go to seed every season for this very reason (aside from my general laziness in cleaning up the garden right away).

Bee on flowering cilantro
Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum)

You see, bees and other pollinators are not particular about looks. They don’t want fields of fancy double-headed blooms, which—while certainly show-stopping—typically produce less nectar than single-headed flowers.

The “flowers within flowers” (like double dahlias and double peonies) make it harder for bees to access pollen. While the cutting stems are great for the flower vase, they’re not so beneficial for bees.

Many of these grander blossoms are also hybridized plants. They’re bred not to seed and thus produce very little pollen. Bees keep landing on them, attracted to the bright colors, but won’t get their fill of nectar.

What do the bees like?

Disclosure: If you shop from my article or make a purchase through one of my links, I may receive commissions on some of the products I recommend.

They’re partial to airy umbrellas of flowers (known as umbels) like the ones found on dill, fennel, and Queen Anne’s lace.

Fennel flowers
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

They love to feed on clusters of tiny flowers, such as those on yarrow, lantana, and chives.

Lantana (Lantana camara)

They prefer small, flat flowers they can land and walk on, like cosmos, black-eyed susans, and blanket flowers.

These flowers also happen to attract the widest variety of bees, as it’s just as important to feed mason bees, mining bees, and bumblebees (all your friendly natives) as well as the more-popularized (and non-native) European honeybees. (Not to mention they’re among the best types of flowers to plant in a butterfly garden—so you’ll really be creating a pollinator paradise!)

Read more: How to identify common bees found in your backyard

Black-eyed susans (rudbeckia)
Black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta)

Bees also like—no, need—very early bloomers (like dandelions) or very late bloomers (like bergamot) when food sources are generally scarce in the garden.

Dandelion flower
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

In fact, I always encourage gardeners to leave the dandelions on their lawns in early spring, as they provide an important source of food and habitat for pollinators and other wildlife when the landscape is looking bleak those first few weeks.

As you can see, it’s hard to go wrong with a bee garden. But if you want the best, no-fail flowering plants that have proven themselves in my own garden, year after year, here are my top five favorites that make the list for how easy and low-maintenance they are.

Bee-friendly flowers for your garden

Borage herb

1. Borage

Borage (Borago officinalis) doesn’t make most people’s lists of favorite flowers, but it’s high on mine. The dainty, star-shaped blossoms not only look beautiful, they taste great, too.

Borage is a culinary and medicinal herb that’s usually grown as an annual flower. It’s the most delightful edible plant, with a sweet, refreshing flavor similar to cucumber. I wonder if that’s why the bees can’t get enough of it?

Star-shaped borage flowers

It thrives in full sun, tolerates poor, dry soil, self-seeds readily, and can weather a couple of light frosts. In fact, once you have a crop of borage firmly established in your garden, you’ll likely never need to seed it again. (But it’s easy to keep under control if you don’t want it spreading everywhere.)

Where to buy

Borage seeds

The plants grow quite stocky (up to 3 feet tall by 2 feet wide) and sometimes require staking if they become too top-heavy with flowers. They typically bloom from late spring through late summer, with plants in full sun producing the thickest stems and most flowers.

If you only have room to grow one bee-friendly flower in your garden this year, grow borage.

Yellow calendula

2. Calendula

As another medicinal herb that’s typically grown as an ornamental flower, calendula (Calendula officinalis) is an annual in most climates, and a short-lived perennial in warmer climates (USDA zones 8 through 10).

Calendula is sometimes known as pot marigold or simply, marigold—but should not be confused with marigolds from the genus Tagetes.

In herbal medicine, calendula has been used to heal rashes, burns, and wounds, and the flower itself is edible. (Though to be honest, it’s not the most palatable of the edible flowers, with sharp flavors ranging from tangy to peppery to bitter.)

Calendula flower

Bees love the plant’s flat, easy landing pads and profusion of pollen- and nectar-rich flowers. Calendula blooms all season long from spring through fall, and even moreso when picked and deadheaded regularly.

Let it reseed freely, and this low-maintenance plant will grow back year after year, even in poor to average soil with only occasional watering.

Purple coneflower echinacea

3. Coneflower

Also known as echinacea, coneflowers are quite distinctive in the garden, with their daisy-like, drooping petals and cone-shaped mounds of tiny flowers at the center of their larger flower heads.

The mounds are basically beacons for bees, which are drawn to the flower’s rich nectaries. One look at echinacea’s spiny blooms and it’s no wonder that its scientific name is derived from the Greek word ekhinos, meaning hedgehog!

White echinacea flower

Coneflowers are ideal for desert climates, as they’re relatively drought-tolerant and can take the heat. (They’re also said to be somewhat deer-resistant, giving them an edge over other ornamental flowers. Of course, a deer that’s hungry enough will eat just about anything, so…)

Most well-known of the Echinacea species are purple coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea), but they also flower in shades of pink, red, orange, white, and green.

They bloom from July to October and deadheading generally encourages more stems and more flowers, though some varieties are flower-producing machines that keep blooming, even without their spent blossoms removed.

Since they’re perennials, you can cut them down to the ground at the end of the season, and they’ll come back the following spring.

Milkweed plant

4. Milkweed

Milkweed (Asclepias) is best known for being the host plant and sole food source of the monarch butterfly larvae. (I wrote more about planting milkweed for the monarchs here.)

But milkweed also benefits bees, which love the clusters of little flowers that produce an abundance of nectar even in dry years.

While there are hundreds of milkweed species, four types of milkweed are good all-around choices for gardens in most areas of the country: butterfly weed (A. tuberosa), swamp milkweed (A. incarnata), showy milkweed (A. speciosa), and common milkweed (A. syriaca). Collectively, these plants cover the vast majority of climates from USDA zones 3 to 9 as perennials.

Milkweed flowers

Depending on the species and climate, milkweed blooms from mid-spring through early fall. The easy-grow, easy-care plants can reach 2 to 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide, given full sun.

With the exception of swamp milkweed (you can guess what type of environment that one thrives in), milkweed is extremely drought-tolerant and does well in poor to average, dry sandy soil. (Do you see a theme with my favorite bee-friendly flowers yet?)

To help sustain bee and butterfly populations, try planting a couple different varieties of milkweed that are native to your region. (Here’s a great guide to what grows best around the country.)

Flowering mint
Mint (Mentha x piperita)

5. The mint family

The mint family (Lamiaceae) includes culinary classics like mint (all types, from your everyday peppermint to the more interesting chocolate mint), basil, sage, oregano, rosemary, thyme, savory, and lavender, as well as lesser-known lemon balm and anise hyssop.

These Mediterranean herbs prefer full sun and well-draining soil with poor to moderate fertility, just like their origins. Some are tender perennials while others are grown as annuals; some have upright habits and can be shaped into hedges, while others make resilient creeping ground covers.

You likely already have at least one of these herbs growing (if not several), but did you know they’re also some of the best bee-friendly plants to have around?

Pollinators love the constant crop of flowers from April through December, depending on your climate and cultivar.

Flowering rosemary herb
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary, for example, can bloom in late spring to early summer in temperate zones, or from late fall to early winter in warmer zones. (Rosemary also makes you smarter, per science.)

Thyme has one of the longest blooming seasons of any herb, and doesn’t lose flavor once it flowers (so let it flower freely!).

By planting several of these highly aromatic herbs around your yard, you can create a pollinator oasis while reaping many of your own benefits, from seasoning food and steeping tea in the kitchen to companion planting and repelling pests in the garden.

Basil blooms
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Whichever flowers you choose, be sure to plant at least three different varieties that bloom at different times. That way, you can support a diverse ecosystem of not only bees, but also butterflies, wasps, hummingbirds, beetles, and other wildlife that depend on plants for food and habitat.

See more: You can also make your own hummingbird food if nectar is in short supply

More beneficial insects you should make friends with:


  1. I am a lover of growing good tasting food. I enjoy learning all that I can and work it. Thank you for sharing.


  3. I get all kinds of bees on the catmint in our garden. Perennial, easy to grow in full sun, and the bees and butterflies love it

  4. Sometimes this site doesn’t line up with the photos, sometimes you mention sizes of bees, other times you don’t, sometimes the photo is above the description, other times not.

  5. Thanks for this Linda. What about best plants to grow for bees and other beneficial insects in a shady garden?

      1. From Australia: I find Mint and lemon balm do well in shadier areas, but do need bright light and some sun – even just an hour is beneficial. I garden in a warm temperate climate with some frosts in winter. Some salvias do well in part shade, too – and I’m not aware of a salvia that isn’t loved by bees. I have Salvia involucrata which is supposed to like more shade than other types and a hot pink woolly salvia cutting from a friend’s garden which copes well with quite a bit of shade. I can’t positively identify the species of this one, but suspect its an involucrata or something closely related. It grows large here – a good six feet high with stems over an inch in diameter if not kept trimmed. Would be interested to know if someone in the other hemisphere gets the same results. I’m also finding that with climate change, any plant for which ‘full sun or part shade’ is recommended really needs part shade now. this is after nearly sixty years gardening in the same spot.

  6. I find oregano to attract far more bees and wasps than any other variety of mint in our garden, both in numbers and in different species. It’s also one of the more attractive mints, and grows into mounds rather than spreading long distances by runners.

  7. Such a great article! Happy to say that I grow all of these in my little garden and there are tons of pollinators flitting about all the time!

    1. Judi…That’s because Salvia is in the mint family too! You can identify this plant family easily as it is know for having square stems and the leaves grow in pairs opposite one another on the stem! The foliage of many of the Salvia is also very fragrant when crushed….not always as pretty a scent as their cousins the mints …but, still fragrant!

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