Video: My Spring 2017 Garden Tour

I’ve been gardening, blogging, and living here for the last seven years, yet this is the first time I’ve ever done a garden tour. Needless to say, it’s been long overdue! I think I’ve always held back because there were often other things I wanted to do first to get the garden “camera ready.” Things…

Linda Ly
Video: my spring 2017 garden tour

I’ve been gardening, blogging, and living here for the last seven years, yet this is the first time I’ve ever done a garden tour. Needless to say, it’s been long overdue!

I think I’ve always held back because there were often other things I wanted to do first to get the garden “camera ready.” Things like blowing the leaves, raking the paths, rebuilding the beds, waiting for plants to grow bigger and better or putting in new plants and waiting for those to grow bigger and better. A working garden is neverending, right?

Which is why you’re getting a good look at the garden as it is every day. It’s not fully weeded or mulched, nor do all the beds look their best; a couple of them are out of commission since we started cutting back on our water use with summer approaching.

Nonetheless, it’s a glorious time to be in the garden with all the nasturtiums in bloom. I haven’t planted nasturtiums in seven years — they’re all volunteers from the very first crop I seeded! That original tiny patch of flowers I grew the first year I lived here has somehow spread all over the property, even leaping across the roof and self-seeding on the other side of the house. We’ve been knee-deep in the vines and making plenty of poor man’s capers!

Before we move on to the video, you might want to revisit my last post and familiarize yourself with the layout of the yard. I’ve also noted a few things below, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

(If you’re reading this post in your email or newsreader, click here to view the video in your web browser.)


0:22 Baby cameo!

0:52 Pug cameo!

1:31 Since many of you have asked for an update, you can see my Moro blood orange tree in the lower left corner (aka the tree I planted my placenta under). No fruit yet, but it’s doing well!

4:25 You start to get a closer look here and throughout the garden at my irrigation setup. All of the tubing and emitters are from DripWorks and I have a step-by-step guide to installing one of their kits in this post.

4:50 It’s a little more covered up than usual with nasturtiums, but this is my vintage clawfoot turned bathtub planter (currently filled with chard and borage). I used the no-dig method to build up an entire tub of nutrient-rich soil in just one season.

4:56 Fun fact: There are actually stairs right in front of me here, but they’re completely covered with volunteer nasturtiums. When we don’t stay on top of pruning the vines (like this season), we have to take the “long way” around and down to the lower garden.

6:42 That little red rabbit hutch was where we quarantined our new chickens for the first few weeks. They only roosted there at night; during the day, we put them in a more spacious portable pen in the yard (seen briefly at 6:10).

8:06 Yep, you’re getting a sneak peek of the new flock! We now have an Easter Egger, Golden Sex Link, and Silver Laced Wyandotte in addition to our Golden Laced Cochin.

9:10 Most of the green you see in the lower yard are our volunteer tomato plants! I counted around three dozen seedlings in late winter and by now I’ve lost track.


  1. ManyThnx 4 this! If the neighbor’s window bothers at all, the LA CNTY Arbo just planted columnar jujube trees – Gin variety, that would grow perfectly there. Available at Armstrong’s in Oct

    1. Thank you! Most of the beneficial plants you see (the nasturtiums, calendula, borage, etc.) are volunteers and they’ve always been happiest being left to their own devices. I think we sometimes fuss over plants too much when they’re programmed to know how to survive on their own!

  2. Such a sweet piece of property and home for you and your family! I enjoyed the relaxing tour of your gardens. Really nice. Thanks, Linda. 🙂

    Captivating, cascading nasturtiums!!! Yowza!!! Gorgeous!

  3. In 2000’ish – I worked in the El Segundo area and this brought back many wonderful memories… Even ‘June gloom’ memories… It’s a beautiful space and doubtless the last of its kind. It is blessed to have your family so wonderfully using it.

  4. What a great video! Your garden looks like a slice of paradise and it’s so very California, which I just love!! And every time I see a post with your daughter I just want to give her a big hug — she’s so precious! =)
    How do you keep all those potted plants watered when you travel? Are they in self-watering pots? As much as I garden, I always lose some container plants because I don’t hydrate them in time. Thanks.

    1. Thank you! Every single potted plant is on drip irrigation, either with tubing emitters or spray emitters. It’s a lifesaver (literally!) when we go on long trips, and it makes them totally hands-off when we ARE home. Highly recommended!

  5. Did enjoy, thank you. I love the higgledy piggledy layout – something new around each corner and level. My garden isn’t quite as steep, but it’s also tiered. My chickens are at the bottom. Quite jealous of the oranges – we did try years ago (they had to be put in the greenhouse over the winter) but scaly insects made a home for themselves and we just couldn’t get rid of them. We are in the south of England. Only recently started no dig system – the veggies have done so much better – as well as my back!!!

  6. FABULOUS tour! Thanks so very much for helping us see your world. I must say it makes be a bit homesick, but in a great way. We left a similarly lovely Eden after 30 years, moving to CT, and it is wonderful to see the old place again. 😉 You’ve inspired me by tucking so many different varieties into nooks and crannies. My mentor father grew in rows on a large SoCal lot and at our Whittier house, we grow more in raised beds and small packets, but you’ve given me even more new ideas. Be well, my friend. Thanks for your generosity.

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the tour! And I wish I could say a lot of those plantings were intentional, but sometimes I go with the “come what may” method of gardening. 😉 It’s produced an accidental food forest of sorts!

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