I should know better, but it happens every year: I start too many seeds, feel uncertain about whether or not I sowed enough, then realize I’m growing more food than my family can possibly eat.

And I don’t think I’m alone in this!

My eyes are much bigger than my stomach—and my garden—at the beginning of every season, and I inevitably end up with hundreds of seedlings that I scramble to find room for in any patch of bare soil.

Or sometimes, on the flip side, I don’t plant nearly enough of my favorite fruits and vegetables. (Especially the ones I like to snack in the field before bringing them in.)

Snow pea plants climbing on a trellis

For a while, I struggled with knowing exactly how much to plant in a vegetable garden to feed my family.

Finding that balance between having enough food to eat and preserve, while wasting as little as possible to overripeness, frost, and the compost pile, can be tricky.

(I know that returning plants to the life cycle by way of composting isn’t really waste, but those unused vegetables still took time, water, and other resources to grow.)

Related: 11 Vegetables You Grow That You Didn’t Know You Could Eat

I had questions that every edible gardener has wondered at some point: How do I know if I’m growing enough food? What size garden does it take to feed a family of four?

Over the years, I’ve tracked how much we grow versus how much we eat, and I thought it was worth sharing these numbers with you to ease some of the pre-planting anxiety we all feel when mapping out our garden beds.

The only downside to having hard numbers to reference is that they’re highly variable when it comes to a topic like this.

Factors like the size of your garden, your growing conditions, and even the appetites of your family members all influence how many plants are considered “enough.”

So, use this information as a starting point for planning your new garden, and tailor it accordingly based on your own family’s needs, preferences, and resources.

5 things to consider before deciding how much food you need to grow

A well laid-out vegetable garden with beneficial flowers

1. How big is your garden?

This is the most limiting factor when deciding how many plants to grow per person. Even if you want to grow enough tomatoes to feed your family for an entire season, those plants take up a lot of space.

You may find yourself needing to scale back in order to provide some variety for your meals, or you may decide that you’d rather grow as many tomatoes as you can and just buy other vegetables you like to eat.

(A tip from my own experience: I tend to focus on growing vegetables that are expensive to buy organic, like tomatoes and bell peppers, over less expensive produce like potatoes and onions.)

Remember that garden space doesn’t have to be within the confines of a “proper” edible garden either.

You may be able to get away with growing salad greens in a window box, letting beans and cucumbers climb a back fence, or adding artichoke plants to your ornamental landscaping in the front yard.

Artichoke plants used as ornamental landscaping
Purple of Romagna artichokes

By being creative with plant placements and repurposing household items (like a vintage clawfoot bathtub!) into unconventional planters, you can maximize a small space and produce more food than you thought was possible.

2. What does your family like to eat?

It goes without saying that you should grow the fruits and vegetables that your family likes to eat, and plant only one or two of each variety that you want to try.

Be honest and realistic about what your typical meals look like, and how much time you actually have to use or cook what you grow. It’s all too easy to get dazzled by the incredible selection of seeds you find in seed catalogs. (Yep, been there.)

Spinach harvest

If rhubarb is something you only use for the occasional pie or cobbler, you might be better off just buying it.

If green smoothies are a regular part of your morning routine, you might want to grow more spinach and carrots than suggested.

And if you absolutely love beets, you could succession plant 5 to 10 plants per person every couple of weeks, instead of a single crop all at once.

3. How old is each person in your family? What is that person’s lifestyle like?

A toddler will obviously eat less than a teenager, and family members who stay home all day will likely eat more than those who commute to work and eat out often.

Keep the ages and lifestyles of each member in mind as you plan your garden, and adjust the number of plantings to suit everyone’s needs and likes.

Fava bean plants supported with bamboo teepees

If you raise chickens or make your own dog food at home, you might want to add a few more plants for them, too.

4. Do you like to eat in season or preserve excess harvests for later use?

The chart below (I call it my Grow Enough Food! chart) lists the number of plants needed for fresh consumption.

But what if canning is a hobby you enjoy? What if you love to make several batches of homemade tomato sauce every summer?

If you plan to preserve any of your fruits and vegetables, you’ll probably want to grow more than what is suggested.

Pickled carrots, peppers, and onions

A general rule of thumb—depending on the type of vegetable preserved, how it’s preserved (drying? fermenting?), and how much you actually want to store—is to quadruple the number of plants suggested in the chart.

5. What can you grow successfully in your climate?

Different soil and weather conditions, even year to year, can affect the yields from your vegetable crops.

Related: Find First and Last Frost Dates Accurately with This Custom Planting Calendar

Some plants are more prolific in warmer climates than they are in cooler climates, or they may have a shorter life cycle dictated by summer heat or fall frost.

Chile pepper harvest

Ultimately, the number of plants you grow may vary based on how productive your garden and growing climate are.

How much to plant in a vegetable garden to feed a family

Tomato seedlings

These amounts are taken from my own personal experience and the average yields of common vegetables in a home garden.

They don’t take succession planting into account. So for example, if you need to plant 20 carrots per person, you could plant 10 at the start of the season and 10 in the middle of the season for a continuous harvest.

All amounts are based on fresh eating, so adjust accordingly if you want to preserve any of your harvests or you have an extra long growing season.

Garden Betty’s “Grow Enough Food” Chart

Download printable PDF version
CropNumber of Plants to Grow
Artichoke1 to 2 per person
Arugula5 per person
Asparagus5 to 10 per person
Bean (bush)5 to 10 per person
Bean (fava)4 to 8 per person
Bean (pole)3 to 5 per person
Beet5 to 10 per person
Bok choy1 to 3 per person
Broccoli2 to 4 per person
Brussels sprout1 to 2 per person
Cabbage2 to 4 per person
Carrot10 to 20 per person
Cauliflower2 to 4 per person
Celery2 to 6 per person
Chard2 to 3 per person
Collard2 to 3 per person
Corn (sweet)6 to 12 per person
Cucumber2 to 4 per person
Daikon3 to 6 per person
Eggplant1 to 2 per person
Garlic10 to 15 per person
Kale3 to 5 per person
Kohlrabi4 to 8 per person
Leek10 per person
Lettuce5 per person
Melon2 to 3 per person
Mustard green5 to 10 per person
Okra2 to 3 per person
Onion (bulb)10 to 20 per person
Onion (scallion)15 to 25 per person
Onion (shallot)10 to 20 per person
Parsnip5 to 10 per person
Pea (shelling)15 to 30 per person
Pea (snap or snow)3 to 5 per person
Pepper (sweet)3 to 5 per person
Pepper (hot)1 to 2 per person
Potato5 to 10 per person
Radish (spring)15 to 25 per person
Radish (winter)5 to 10 per person
Rhubarb1 to 2 per person
Spinach5 to 10 per person
Squash (summer)1 to 2 per person
Squash (winter)1 to 2 per person
Sweet potato5 per person
Tomatillo1 to 2 per person
Tomato (cherry)1 per person
Tomato (slicing)2 to 4 per person
Turnip5 to 10 per person

Keep track of how much you grow

Ultimate Garden Diary

This printable PDF includes loads of charts and logs to help you stay organized all season long.

Track what you planted, when and how much you harvested from each crop, and keep your notes in one simple-to-use system that can be reprinted and “refilled” year after year.

Common questions about planting enough food

How much land do you need to feed a family?

In general, you’ll need 150 to 200 square feet of garden space per person in order to feed everyone in your family year-round. So for the average family of four, a plot that is 600 to 800 square feet (20×30 to 20×40) should do the trick.

But even if you’re on a smaller suburban lot and lack the amount of land necessary for this type of growing, all is not lost. You can find many creative ways to maximize the space you do have, such as growing in containers around your yard, growing vertically up fences and trellises, following intensive planting methods, utilizing dead spaces like hellstrips, interplanting your front yard landscape, and mulching with edible plants.

How many vegetables do you need to plant for preserving?

Use my Grow Enough Food! chart as a starting point for determining how many plants to grow per person, and quadruple the figures listed if you want to ferment, dehydrate, can, pickle, or preserve these vegetables in addition to eating them fresh.

How much food can you grow in a garden?

With good soil and good growing practices, you can count on a conservative estimate of about 1 pound of food per square foot in a raised bed garden.

Raised bed gardening typically produces more food than traditional row cropping since raised beds can be planted in higher densities, do not require space between rows for walking, and are not affected by soil compaction (which can reduce yields by as much as 50 percent).

Have you started your seeds or transplanted your seedlings? Here are a few links to help you get started:

This post updated from an article that originally appeared on April 24, 2018.


  1. This post is incredibly useful for planning a year’s worth of food! I appreciate the detailed advice on quantities and planting schedules. It’s great to have a clearer idea of how much to plant to meet my needs. Do you have any tips for adjusting these quantities based on different family sizes or specific dietary preferences? I’m eager to start planning my garden and would love any additional advice on managing harvests and storage. Thanks for the valuable insights!

  2. You need more than one acre to feed one adult for one year, according to most credible sources. Some say as little as 1/16 of an acre (crops only). The stats that show 3 to 5 acres include livestock area. But, no way can you feed a person with 200 square feet. LOL

    1. 200′ X 200′ = 40,000 sq ft =0.92 acre
      An acre is 43,560 sq ft
      My mom & aunt gardened a 15 acre plot for their immediate family. It provided for 6 adults + 9 kids throughout the year. I hated the garden when I was a kid but love it now.

    2. Not tue. I grow enough to eat, gift to other, and can in a much smallerr space. Square foot gardening. Done it for years.

  3. This is helpful. I typically try to just calculate how much of things we eat each year, but when you get into the fact that many foods aren’t preserved well or need a lot more or less to be preserved, things are just hard to calculate. Since so much of it is just personal tastes, it’s hard!

    I have gotten to the point where we just eat and preserve whichever we produce most that year. One year we had a bumper crop of eggplant and… Let’s just say, there are only so many eggplant “meatballs” a person can eat!

    This year I have already killed all my cruciferous veggies or they look puny and weak. I’m hoping there will be a bumper crop of something, though. (Not eggplant!)

    1. I agree that it can be very hard to calculate things, especially considering anything can happen to the plants between seed and harvest. I often do the same as you: try to preserve whatever I have extras of! Good luck with the rest of your season!

  4. Plant and grow as much as possible.
    What you can’t eat now, you could can and eat later.
    Excess production – you can trade for fruits and veggies you don’t have.
    You can also donate to local food banks for people who are down on their luck or can’t grow food on their own.

    There are starving people in the world. The more food you can grow the less starvation they might be.
    Of course, supply and demand too. More supply the lower prices are too.

    Look up Victory Gardens.

  5. Hi! This is such a useful post!
    It’s autumn where I am now and I’m starting to plant seeds for food for my family – do you have any advice on how often you should replant? Do you sow seeds and then a week later sow more and so on? I’m trying to figure this part out so I can stop buying from the shops.
    Thank you!

  6. Wow, thank you for this post! This year I’m attempting to grow most (if not all) of my own veggies, and I have no idea how much to plant. I love the suggested number of plants to grow for each crop because you’ve given me a good starting point. Thanks again!!

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